

2020               MFA: New York Academy of Art, New York, NY
2018               BFA in Studio Art: Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA            

 Selected Grants and Awards

2021               Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant
2020               Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant
2019               Buddy Taub Scholarship MFA
2019               NYAA MFA Scholarship

 Selected Solo Exhibitions

2023               Yellow Brick Road: Over the Influence, Paris
2022               The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree: Over The Influence, Hong Kong
2021               What are the Odds: Ramp Gallery, London, UK
2020               It Keeps on Burning: Over The Influence, Los Angeles, CA

 Selected Group and Juried Exhibitions
NYAA Summer Exhibition: Forum gallery, New York, NY
2024               The Salon at the 13th Storey: Loft projects, New York NY
2024               Secular Gothic: Eyes Never Sleep, New York, NY
NADA New York: Over the Influence booth, New York, NY
2022               New American Paintings-A Year in Review: Steven Zevitas Gallery, Boston, MA 
Art021: Over the Influence Booth, Shanghai, China
             XL Catlin Art Exhibition: San Francisco Art Institute, Linda Warren Projects, New York
Academy of Art

 Public Art Commissions

 2017               Painting in Commemoration of Forest Cross: Morgan Middle School, Ellensburg, WA


2021               New American Paintings: Northeast issue 152
2020               Art Maze Magazine: Issue 20

 Professional Experience

 2018               Public Arts Committee, Morgan Middle School, Ellensburg, WA


 2019               Notre Dame Global Center Residency, Kylemore, Ireland